Helping map, visualise and analyse the World

GIS Development, Training and Consultancy


Off-the-shelf software sales for Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional, MapXtreme and the product range, plus data translators and converters from our partners
Choose from standard training courses or have a customised course built specifically for you and delivered on your premises. Courses include MapInfo Professional and MapBasic at Introduction, Intermediate and Advanced levels  
Bespoke Software
Need an application developed? Viewshed limited provide bespoke application development for Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional, MapXtreme as well as other systems/platforms such as Open Source GIS and generic development using Java, JavaScript and DotNet
Viewshed limited provide consultancy on GIS, GI data, Open Standards as well as MapInfo Professional, MapXtreme  and OpenGIS applications. UK SC1 staff available.
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